Monday, July 25, 2011

Woke up one Monday morning, and "woke up"


I usually go out and meet Johnnie in the morning....smoke a cig or 3...hehe..but I got out there this morning and just didn't feel like myself.
I'm not complaining. That's a good thing to me.
Recently I have been feeling terrible. I just don't feel healthy. I don't have a lot of energy, I feel like my drive is gone, and I don't want to even start to talk about will power. I know I've needed to make some changes and today looks like a good day to start.
I'd cut down on my smoking. When I was living in Myrtle Beach I was up close to 2 packs a day. I think mainly because of nerves, but anyway, it still wasn't a good thing. I did manage to cut it way back. Now usually I can het through the day with less than a pack.
Quitting this is rough, yeah, but I have to do it. I'm 40 now, and I'd like to try to see at least another 40 years...hehe..
Then there's my upper body. I need to get that back in shape. So cokes, pepsi's, and even my trusty "Monster Energy" has got to go. I think that will be the toughest. I need to start drinking more water. Lots more water. I did it about a year ago and lost a he'll of a lot of weight, and felt great too.
So with any luck, some hard work, and some good head ache reliever, I should be able to kick the nicotine and caffeine habit.
Or at least I hope so.


  1. Okay, I should have read this BEFORE I bought those Monster energy drinks. Sorry!

  2. LOL....nah...the smoking I have to stop. And it's coming to a close. But I have to keep at least one crutch!
