Sunday, July 24, 2011

Battery Brumby: Tybee Island, Georgia

 On one of our escapades to Savannah, we ended up coming into Tybee Island Georgia. Renee always surprised me by taking me to these places I had never seen, or never heard of for that matter!..We were coming back up the highway and took off toward the island. Now, I LOVE islands...I don't care where they are. Just something about being on a strip of land off the mainland that I love. Maybe it's a psycological thing. I can't really explain it.
 We hit a beach, walked a bit, and got back in the truck.....followed the little ribbon of asphalt through tiny streets in this old neighborhood, and came up on the lighthouse.
 It's situated on this little fort called "Battery Brumby". The light and the keeper's house in the picture above are actually sitting behind the fort. When we arrived, it was kind of late in the evening, but still before sundown. We walked through something like a small courtyard between the 2 major buildings in the fort, and then out onto the beach. The wind was great. It felt so nice to be on that beach.  Even though I'd never been to this particular place before, being beside the ocean made it feel like I was home.
 We started walking north up the shoreline. The sun was setting behind the dunes, and the beacon in the lighthouse came on. I started to get a few pictures along the way.

This shot was taken after walking about halfway toward a jetty that served as a barrier between the river and waterway. I remember seeing a huge cargoship in the waterway, heading out to the open waters of the Atlantic. That was cool.

This is the one I'm most proud of from the shots on Tybee. I walked a little further toward that jetty, and when I got where I thought the best shot was, I turned and went in toward the dunes until the marsh grass was viewable in the shot. I took this one on a whim. But I think it came out pretty good.
 If you ever get down around Savannah Georgia, take the time to go into Tybee, I swear it's so worth the time. And thanks to my best friend, I now have shots in my portfolio that are simply priceless to me. And more than that, knowing that I experienced it with her makes them far more valuable, because everytime I see them, There we are again, on that beach on Tybee. At least in my mind anyway.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE PHOTOS! Can't wait to see Tybee Island myself in October.
